◇ 「日本発祥の手当て療法「レイキ」が、米国で人気」 デイリータイムズ誌(national enquirer より)2013.10.3 ◆理事長の辻耀子です。(^o^) アメリカの新聞記事をご紹介します♪
◆以下、記事本文(日本語版)です。 米国メディア「DAILY TIMES」の 「レイキ」とは、日本発祥の民間療法の一種である「臼井靈氣療法」が 記事では、米コロラド州ブルームフィールドにオープンした 施術者の手のひらからエネルギーが流れることをレイキと呼び、 記事によると、施術を行う女性は、「横たわった患者の頭のすぐ横に座り、 そして、1時間におよぶ治療の間、彼女の手は患者の体の中でも その女性は、自身でも「10年ほど前にレイキを初体験し、まるで 記事では、発祥地である日本以上にレイキが浸透している様子がうかがえる。 その効果に科学的な根拠はないとされているが、人を癒やしたいという 英文(原文抜粋) By デイリータイムズ・Hannah Grover BLOOMFIELD — Before each Reiki session, Renne Saiz says a prayer asking guardian angels and saints to be with her and help her client relax. "If your body's relaxed, you stay healthy," Saiz said. Saiz opened Pure Energy, an alternative healing business, about two months ago in Bloomfield. In the back of the shop is a small room with a table. That's where Saiz practices Reiki -- a spiritual practice focused on transferring energy -- and allows clients to meditate. On the door, a small piece of paper with red print reads: "To the Supreme God, Humbly we invoke for divine guidance, help and protection and for the Divine Healing Power. Thank you for using me as a divine instrument. With thanks and full of faith." In the room, clients lie down on the table and cover their eyes with a bean bag. Seated near their heads, Saiz places her hands on their heads and begins adjusting their energies. Sometimes, her hands become hot and pulsate. "I literally just feel the heat," Saiz said. During an hour-long session, Saiz moves around her client's body, focusing on areas of pain or stress. Saiz said she can identify where the client is feeling pain and she works throughout the session to heal those areas. "I actually kind of feel it within myself," she said. Saiz, who lives in Bloomfield, originally planned to open Pure Energy solely to offer Reiki, but she expanded it to offer other services, such as angel card readings. She hopes to someday expand Pure Energy into an alternative energy co-op. Her journey in alternative medicine began in 2004 when she and her mother-in-law attended the WholeExpo in Durango, Colo., shortly after Saiz moved back to Bloomfield from Texas. While there, Saiz experienced a Reiki session. She said she felt as if the practitioner was sprinkling her with water or glitter, although that was not the case. Before 2004, she had never heard of Reiki, which was developed by Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist, in 1922. Soon after, she began to research Reiki and other alternative medicines. Although she was raised Catholic, Saiz said she doesn't consider herself as very religious. In 2009, the Committee on Doctrine of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement condemning Reiki. But Saiz said she feels the Catholic Church has become more open to the idea of Reiki in the past few years. After learning Reiki, Saiz said she has become a more positive person. And once she overcame her stress and negativity, she wanted to help others. In order to become a practitioner, Saiz found a Reiki master, who helped her through a series of three attunements. Saiz described these attunements as the mentor tapping into her energy and leaving symbols etched into her aura. Each Reiki master has their own master, who has tapped into their energy. Saiz finished her last attunement in December last year and decided to open Pure Energy. She currently is operating it while working at a drilling company, but she would like to eventually focus all of her time on Pure Energy. "I've always wanted to be self-employed," Saiz said. Shawna Maggard also practices Reiki through Pure Energy. Maggard is a level one practitioner, meaning she's had her first attunement, which she received two years ago. Maggard said clients have to be open to receiving energy. When they are open to it, Maggard said even the slightest touch from a Reiki practitioner creates an energy exchange and allows the person to relax. About three years ago, before she began practicing Reiki, Maggard suffered from chronic migraines. Her doctor suggested she try Reiki treatments. "I was to the point that I was ready to try anything," Maggard said. Growing up in a Pentecostal church, Maggard is familiar with the laying on of hands, in which church members place their hands on other members' heads and pray to heal. "In a way, it's kind of the same thing," Maggard said. Like Saiz, Maggard prays while practicing Reiki. And her favorite part of Reiki is also helping people feel better. "They're almost lighter when they leave," Maggard said. |
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